Saturday, 7 June 2008

Cool Cities

Weather change has made difficulties in finding healthy air and pure water. In this essay, you will find three good adaptations and bad solutions that improve life style.

There are a number of good solutions. The first adaptation is using solar energy. Sun is a source power that especially available in UAE which has light days in summer. The second adoption is efficient type of street light. Abu Dhabi city has many streets that have greed amount of lights so if its municipality changes type of lights and make them more efficient, it will save energy and money. The best kind of bulbs is lights emitting diode (LED) bulbs. Last solution is trains. Because of traffic jams and carbon emission. Trans could help country by reducing number of personal cars cumulative in roads.

There are also bad solutions. One of that is using nuclear power. It has many advantages like producing electricity and water but its radiation waste cannot get red of and that pollutes air and kills animals and plants.

As a result, avoiding this pwer more save and healthy. Second is a slow bus. Buses have huge sizes and very slow to change their path so they make air pollution. Last bad solution is funds. In Arabic countries, most of people are poor, immigrants, if the country raises the sales or puts funds, the poor people will suffer.

To conclude. There are good solutions for this country. However, some of them are suitable for other cold countries.


The Tourism Development and Investment Company (TDIC) in Abu Dhabi, this company produced many project which help to support the tourism and the economy to Abu Dhabi the capital of the UAE, like the Shangri-La Hotel. Now I am going to write about the most and the least project that I am interested in.

First I’m going to talk about the project I liked most which was is the Desert Island, and I’ve like this project because it has a strong efforts, and they pressed the culmination of the rich natural heritage.

The least project is Al Bateen Wharf Project because it will take place in a historical place in Abu Dhabi and also its not that beautiful and also it’s not that unique.

To conclude, in my opinion is that these projects is useful because it will reveal the UAE potential in developing and it will offer jop opportunities and may also solve problems concerning to the accommodation shortage.

Solar Energy

The sun has produced energy from billions of years. Solar energy is energy from the sun in form of radiated heat and light. This energy can be converted onto other forms of energy such as heat and electricity.” In the 1830s, the British astronomer John Herschel used a solar thermal collector box (a device that absorbs sunlight to collect heat) to cook food during an expedition to Africa.” To day people uses the sin for lots of things.

Solar energy can be converted to heat energy and used to:

  1. Heat water, which can be used in swimming pool, homes, building.
  2. Heat spaces inside greenhouses, homes and other buildings

Two may of converting solar energy to electricity in two ways.

  1. Photovoltaic (PV Device) or “Solar Cells” which changes the sunlight directing into electricity, and also used to power watches, calculators, and light road signs.
  2. Solar Power Plants, it can be used when the heat from solar thermal electors is used to hear a fluid which produces steam that is used to power generator.

The Solar energy havegot a lot of uses and I have wrote the most important ones and I may opinion it’s the best energy in this world.

Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprint is a method of measuring how much the human can affects the environment because of his or her activities in stead of greenhouse gases. Now I am going to mention some of my carbon footprint problems and some of the selections.

The first problem is using of car which contributes to atmospheric pollution. People there days uses there car a lot which 100% effect to the air and increase the Co2.

The second problem is that people always buy many houses hold items like, mobile phones, mp3 players, TVs and many others, which means wasting a lot of materials and throw them after; as a result, that garbage is burned which effect badly on the environment.

Now, lets turn to solutions. For the first problem is by reducing the hours of using the car and try walk or use the bicycle.

The last solution for the second problem is to reduce buying house hold items. Like the mobile phone use the one for two years better than using it for one each year. In summary, I have talked about two problems and there solutions which are the best way to reduce the problems in my opinion.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Masder, The Abu Dhabi future Energy Company

“Masdar is an example of the paradigm shift that is needed. The strategic vision of the Abu Dhabi government is a case study in global leadership. We hope that Masdar City will prove that sustainable living can be affordable and attractive in all aspects of human living – from businesses and manufacturing facilities to universities and private homes,” Jeanreneaud continued.

Masder, The Abu Dhabi future Energy Company, the world greenest city , It located near Abu Dhabi international Airport, and it will be the first zero carbon, zero waste, car free city , commensurate with the 10 sustainability principles of " one planet living"
This city will be generated by photovoltaic panels , and the water will be provided by solar powered desalination plant , Also the city will be irrigated with grey water .
More over , the Masder initiative is part of Abu Dhabi city and it is a great technology solutions for future energy sources .
It's pottage is about six- square kilometer city , growing eventually to 1500 and 50,000 residents
On the other hand , this city will be the first in the world kind , It will be of all kind of pollution figures , and it depend on a modern metro stops every 200 meters for transporting .
Also , Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, said: “Masdar City will question conventional patterns of urban development, and set new benchmarks for sustainability and environmentally friendly design – the students, faculty and businesses located in Masdar City will not only be able to witness innovation first-hand, but they will also participate in its development.”“We are pleased to be able to work with One Planet Living to make our vision a reality,” he said.
The financial experts expects that this project eill cost handred of millions Dollars , but that is not a teaser at all for a city like Abu Dhabi , because this increased many of naphtha or UAE gulf oil .
In fact , the united Arab emirates oil can stand for more than century , and as result for that many people think that it's from vainness to waste the oil for producing electricity in a time that they narrowly sells a barrel of it by 100 Dollar at least .
At last , In June 2007, Masdar City received the first World Clean Energy Award from the Transatlantic21 Association in Basel, Switzerland. In September 2007, the city’s design was voted “Sustainable Region/ City of the Year” at Euromoney and Ernst & Young’s Global Renewable Energy Awards.